Gingham Bikini Tutorial

1. Open the base you want to work on.

2. I have created several colour palettes that you can use, but you are free to use your own colours, or use on of my other palettes. 3. Create a new layer named Bikini above your base by going to Layer/New Raster Layer... or clicking on the new raster layer icon on the Layer Palette.

Select the Paint Brush tool & set your Foreground to palette colour 1 (i.e. the darkest colour) using the Dropper.

4. Make sure your Paintbrush is 1 pixel in size. Draw in the outline of your bikini top & bottoms. Don't worry if it's messy, we'll clean it up in a moment.

I find it helps to Zoom in on the image & use precise cursors for this.

5. Use the Eraser & Paintbrush to tidy up & streamline the dress. Ensure that it is not more than 1 pixel thick at all points. 6. Create a new image, with a width & height of 2 pixels.

Zoom in so that you can actually see what you are doing!

7. Using palette colour 1, draw a single pixel of colour in the top left hand corner.

8. Use palette colour 2 & 3 as shown above. 9. Go back to your doll.

Make sure there are no gaps in the outline of your bikini & Flood Fill the interior with palette colour 2.

10. Set your forground to Pattern.

11. From the drop down on the materials dialogue box, select the image you created in step 6 (it should be quite near the top).

Once the pattern is selected, click on OK to close the dialogue box.

12. Flood Fill the bikini with this pattern.
13. Click on the Lighten/Darken tool.

Put a tick in the Swap Mouse Button box. Use the settings from the above link, only set the Width to about 4 & Opacity to about 22.

I have used the Airbrush in red to show you the areas we are going to be shading (don't actually paint red on your doll!)

14. Darken the areas of the doll that need shading. 15. Your doll should be looking something like this.
Add some hair & a tan & you're done!
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